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‘Make yourself at home’, this is a self-limiting invitation, always expected to respect some rules. Hospitality is understood differently depending on the background and various social levels on which it is applied, and it’s very much connected to linguistic and cultural identity, gender and nation.
Jacques Derrida defined hospitality as invitation and welcoming ‘the other’ both on personal level and the level on individual countries. The etymology of hospitality derived from words stranger, guest and power, and transformation through hospitality is connected with the negotiation and changing policy, and always involve time as a condition.

The issues of postcolonial and post-imperial studies are strongly related to the question of the Caucasus. The perversion of the ancient concept of hospitality and crises around it in the Caucasus are linked with tourism and current geopolitical situation, and have impacts on changing values and life organisation.
In the art world hospitality is also treated differently, starting with a curatorial situation of being a guest and a host, and defining social and asocial practices and ‘trying to escape contemporary, capitalist relations of labor and exchange’.